Week 1: Introduction

Who are you and how do your future plans (career/personal/etc.) involve knowledge about adult learning?

I graduated from the University of Virginia in 2006 and I majored in Psychology and Anthropology.  I currently live in Austin, TX although I was born and raised in Virginia.  My interests include eating (I love food), being with my dogs, watching sports, and hanging out with my husband, family and friends.

I currently work as a staff development specialist in healthcare and prior to this job I was a training coordinator in the high-tech field.  I have been in the learning and development industry for about 3 years and have definitely come to realize that it is my niche and I would like to continue my career in the field.

As I intend to stay in the learning and development field, adult education will always be a large component in my position.  As I create training material and develop programs, having knowledge of effective ways to instruct and teach adults will positively impact the quality of my work.

How would you rate your current knowledge of adult learning theories? What are some things you already know about adult learning theory (theories/theorists/general concepts)?

I was a Psychology major in undergrad so I do know some of the general theories (or at least I somewhat still do).  I am hoping that by revisiting them now I will be able to actually apply them this time around.  I have also taken a “Train the Trainer” class so I picked up some techniques and best practices from that class.  Also, I have learned a lot from my colleagues.  When I took the training coordinator position I didn’t have any experience in training, so I picked up a lot from my coworkers.  Now granted, I’m not sure if their method was “right”, but if it was effective I took notice!

What do you already know about yourself, or not know about yourself, as an adult learner?

A couple of things I do know about myself is that I learn by doing.  If I am learning a new task, I’d rather actually do the task rather than watching someone else do it.  I also thrive on examples.  Give me a good example of how I can apply what I am learning or tell me an experience when you used it, I am far more likely to remember and use it myself.

I also like to come away from a training with a tool.  For example, if you are teaching me a Meeting Skills class I want to walk away with an example of a meeting agenda format or several formats.  Don’t just tell me how to effectively hold a meeting.  I want to walk out of that course with tools to hold an effective meeting.

What do you hope to get out of this course?

I think this goes along with my last statement in the previous question.  I want to come out of this course with some ammunition (so to speak).  Some tools, interventions, strategies, and general knowledge about adult education that I can apply to my work.  I want to know how to engage the students better and also how to ensure that after these students leave the classroom (or leave their computer) their behaviors change to what I intended.

January 4, 2011. Uncategorized.

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